Watering seeds of growth: Support my water well project

€ 157,00

Pledged of € 9.000





Days to go


Bringing Water Closer to Home

In many parts of Africa, the availability of water is a critical issue that hinders agricultural productivity and community development. Our project aims to tackle this problem by constructing a water well that will bring this precious resource closer to our community in Godohou, Benin. We aim to provide unlimited access to water for local market gardeners, nurturing growth and fostering connections.

Empowering a Better Tomorrow

  • Immediate Access to Water: Currently, the nearest water source is 10 km away from the village. This well will provide immediate access for watering and other essential uses.
  • Community Empowerment: By providing unlimited access to water, this well serves as a catalyst for community growth, empowerment, and collaboration.
  • Risk Management: While there's a risk of negative drilling, our experience and careful planning aim to mitigate this, ensuring that every euro contributed goes towards a successful well.

Budget Breakdown: Water Well in Godohou village, Tevihoue (Gougan)

1. Excavation & Construction

  • Manual digging up to 100m depth: €1,000 (100m x €10/m)
  • Materials (casing, seals, etc.): €1,200

2. Pump & Solar Infrastructure

  • Solar-powered pump: €2,000
  • Solar panels and mounting system: €1,500
  • Wiring and connectors: €300

3. Storage & Distribution

  • Large water storage tank: €1,500
  • Pipes and taps for distribution: €400
  • Materials security (small shed): €1,000

4. Miscellaneous Costs

  • Informing and coordinating with local village chief: €50
  • Contingency funds (in case of unforeseen expenses): €1,050

Total Budget: €9,000

How You Can Help

We're reaching out to benefactors, friends, and visionaries who share our dream of a better Africa. Your contribution will make this well a reality and sow the seeds of growth in our community.

Investment Options

  • Contribute and Support: Every donation counts! Support our vision and become part of a lasting change.
  • Become a Partner: If you or your organization aligns with our mission, we invite you to explore partnership opportunities with us.

Join Us Today

Every drop of support counts. By contributing today, you're not just donating; you're transforming lives. Help us bring water closer to home. Click the 'Donate' button and become a beacon of change!




I wish you water

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